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Photo du rédacteurLinda Damiani

How to lead with (greater) impact?

Whether a coachee works for a company, association or as self-employed/entrepreneur, the question of effectively having impact comes often on the table. Shall we be born-leaders to have true impact or can it be developed?

Let's have a closer look at what differentiate impactful leaders to understand what's behind the notion of impact:

  • (Self) Confidence, expressed though executive presence, sound assertiveness, a good emotional balance and a 'can do' attitude;

  • Great active listening skills, coupled with the ability to capture words, challenges, desires and fears of people with who they interact - at all levels;

  • The ability to jungle with lots of factual, emotional and sensorial information - and turn them into impactful messages and opportunities.

  • The ability to communicate (really) effectively, i.e. timely and ad hoc messaging, clear, concise and to-the-point.

  • Stand for clear, precise and decisive positions;

  • An ability to foster engagement and generate coordinated action for an idea or a project;

  • A contagious motivation and eagerness, whether in the mission of the company, a project, a passion or a vision;

  • Authenticity in how she/he communicates, building trust in the relationships.

All of the above are traits which come to my mind when I think of the various leaders who inspired me as an HR Leader and Coach. And because of how they could move the needle while engaging people.

Leadership style obviously counts, and I would say it comes as an individual 'touch' specific to all leaders. The below graphic summarizes the 6 leadership styles put forward by Daniel Goleman in his book 'Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence' .


All of the traits I listed above, as well as the leadership style, can be developed to some extent. Coaching is an incredible powerful tool to make giant steps in this regard.

Do you want to lead with greater impact? Let's talk about it!

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